Assignment 2: evaluating arithmetic expression

Write a C++ (or Java) program which reads an arithmetic expression in infix notation from a file, stack.inp, converts and evaluates it using stacks, and prints it to a file, stack.out. The arithmetic expression is composed of natural number and four operators +. -. *, and /. An example of stack.inp is as

3 * 4 4 / 3 * 3 + 4

Note the followings;

-      the result of division operator (/) is an integer value such as 5/3=1,

-      the tokens in the expression are separated by a blank space,

-      the subtraction operator (-) is binary, and

-      the number of operands in an expression is no more than 100.

The program should be submitted via ESPA by Oct. 18, 6:00 pm.