Assignment 1: Sparse Matrix Multiplication

Write a C++ program to

1.      Read two sparse square matrices, where two matrices are given as

n : size of matrix – matrix A

m : number of non-zero elements

row1, col1, value1

row2, col2, value2


rowm, colm, valuem

n : size of matrix – matrix B

m : number of non-zero elements

row1, col1, value1

row2, col2, value2


rowm, colm, valuem


2.      Multiply them without converting to normal matrix

3.      Convert the result matrix to normal matrix and write it as

n  : size of matrix

a11, a12, . . ., a1n

a21, a22, . . ., a2n


an1, an2, . . ., ann


The input file for two matrices is ¡°matrix.inp¡± and the output file should be ¡°matrix.out¡±.


Due date: Delayed to Sept 30 (6 pm).

Submission: The program should be submitted via ESPA site. You may find sample data about input and output in ESPA site. The manual will be given at