Assignment 2: Solve Maze Problem
a C++ program which reads a maze configuration and finds the route from (0,0)
to (n -1,n -1) where the size of maze is n
x n. The maze is given as a n x n
matrix. Each element of the matrix is given as bitwise-and of 4 direction codes
(see below figure).
example a 3x3 maze is given the matrix representation of the input data
(maze.inp) of this maze is as follows;
3 // the size of matrix
8, 1, 12
3, 12, 2
1, 7, 4
the program has to write the path to the output file (maze.out) in the
following format;
N // the length of route
a1, b1 // this should be always 0, 0
a2, b2
aN, bN // this should be always N-1, N-1
You have to write your problem using stack
and the stack must be implemented by a linked list.
Your problem must be submitted by Oct. 28,
6 pm. via ESPA.